Carbolite Gero is a leading manufacturer of high temperature furnaces and ovens from 30°C to 3000°C. We are the technology leader in tube furnaces as well as vacuum and special atmosphere technology. With more than 80 years of experience in thermal engineering, Carbolite Gero develops innovative solutions trusted by research laboratories, pilot plants and manufacturing sites around the world. Carbolite Gero products are defined by their superior energy efficiency as well as excellent reliability and use of high-quality components.
Carbolite Gero offers solutions for a variety of heat treatments! From Additive Manufacturing to Vacuum Soldering & Brazing, we cover the complete temperature range.
Chiar și cu una dintre cele mai variate și mai ample game de cuptoare și etuve disponibile, există situații când un design standard nu îndeplinește cerințele precise ale utilizatorului.
De aceea, avantajul real al relației directă cu producătorul devine clar, în special cu un producător care are capacitatea și experiența Carbolite Gero.
Carbolite Gero offers a wide range of options for modified atmosphere and vacuum operation.
This includes equipment for almost all standard products as well as dedicated vacuum furnaces up to 3000°C.
Whether it is a simple add-on to a standard product or a fully customised system, Carbolite Gero will surely have the right solution for your application.
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