The Verder Group is pleased to announce the establishment of Verder Scientific Iberia, our 13th local sales organization in the world, reinforcing our commitment to market expansion and closer customer engagement in Spain and Portugal.
From 1st January 2023, Metrohm Australia & New Zealand will become the exclusive distributor for Carbolite Gero in Australasia. Metrohm and Carbolite Gero will work seamlessly to provide ongoing support and service for all existing Carbolite Gero customers.
Metal Injection Moulding (MIM) is a modern manufacturing technique that involves injecting a “feedstock” into moulds to create complex shaped metal components. Carbolite Gero offers furnaces and ovens specifically optimized for the heat treatment process steps required by this application.
Noua gamă de cuptoare tubulare Carbolite Gero este rezultatul a peste 80 de ani de experiență în inginerie termică, combinând cele mai noi dezvoltări tehnologice cu construcții solide, componente de înaltă calitate și o estetică elegantă, modernă.
Căutați soluții inovatoare și eficiente pentru procesul dumneavoastră de producție aditivă sau de turnare prin injecție a pulberilor? Analiza dimensiunii și formei particulelor, analiza elementară, tratamentul termic, analiza microstructurală și testarea durității - companiile Verder Scientific oferă soluții de înaltă calitate combinate cu consultanță de specialitate și servicii de asistență în întreaga lume.
Carbolite Gero has a strong bond to CERN due its collaboration in the reaction heat treatment of magnets: Within the last 10 years Carbolite Gero supplied several units for the production of superconductors to CERN, the last one with a usable volume of 10m3.
To produce high-quality cement, the mineralogical and chemical composition of raw materials as well as intermediate and finished products has to be determined.
Thanks to huge advances in metallurgy over the last three decades, 21st century steel production is transforming the globe and the built environment. Of course, a major part of the steel production process is the use of coke, which provides as much as 80% of the furnace's thermal requirements, the majority of the furnace's CO gas (which acts as a reducing reagent) and carbon for dissolution in the molten metal
The main issue of the press conference was the high temperature reaction furnace for the annealing of superconducting coils for CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, developed and designed by CARBOLITE GERO.
- GERO is a leading manufacturer of vacuum furnaces up to 3,000 °C - Founder and Managing Director Roland Geiger stays in the management
Carbolite manufactures one of the widest ranges of clean room ovens available. With maximum temperatures from 250°C to 600°C.