
Etuve industriale ideal pentru sarcini grele

Carbolite Gero produce o gamă de etuve industriale pentru procesarea în șarje. Aceste modele sunt disponibile pentru temperaturi de până la 700 °C și volume de până la peste 13.000 de litri, satisfăcând cerințele clienților pentru diferite aplicații industriale.

Designul este caracterizat de o construcție robustă cu materiale durabile, ceea ce face ca această gamă să fie ideală pentru aplicații industriale. Fiecare etuvă industrială poate fi construită și furnizată cu o gamă largă de opțiuni, inclusiv protecție la supra-temperatură, mecanisme de încărcare și manipulare sau sisteme avansate de control al temperaturii.

Detalii Etuve industriale

Aplicațiile tipice pentru etuvele noastre industriale includ uscarea, coacerea sau călirea diverselor componente. Pe lângă aceste aplicații, toate etuvele industriale din portofoliul nostru pot fi personalizate pentru a îndeplini complet cele mai exigente cerințe.

Pentru aplicații ca Tratamente termice conform AMS 2750G Nadcap configurația etuvelor industriale poate fi modificată, la momentul comenzii, cu sisteme sofisticate de control și înregistrare a datelor.

Etuva industrială cu răcire rapidă este perfectă pentru aplicații de călire sau recoacere, inclusiv, dar fără a se limita la aceasta, recoacerea dozimetrelor termo-luminiscente. Controlerul programabil 3508P1, montat pe această etuvă, oferă control precis asupra oferă un control precis asupra vitezei de creștere sau scădere a temperaturii și a perioadei de timp pe care se menține o anumită temperatură.

Etuve industriale - FAQ

What is an industrial oven?

An industrial oven is a heating device that meets the precise temperature control and temperature uniformity requirements of a specific process. It is a common piece of equipment used in a production environment where the heating of materials is required. Depending on the application, industrial ovens vary in size and volume as well the maximum temperature they can reach. Industrial ovens can be manufactured to comply with industry standards such as NADCAP AMS2750G and CQI-9.

What is the difference between a laboratory and an industrial oven?

In principle, the difference between a laboratory oven and industrial oven is the size. Industrial ovens tend to process larger batches of material, whereas laboratory ovens are typically used to process smaller samples. Industrial ovens have a more robust construction in order to withstand the demands of production facilities.

How does an industrial oven work?

An industrial oven works by heating the air containing with the oven chamber using electrically operated heating elements. The air is usually mixed by using a circulation fan mounted within the heated chamber to ensure uniform heat distribution, often known as 'forced convection'. Parts placed inside the chamber are heated by the hot air.  

What is the temperature range of an industrial oven?

The typical operating temperature of an industrial oven is entirely dependent on the application requirements. Carbolite Gero supplies ovens with maximum temperatures ranging up to 300°C for applications such as drying and moisture extraction, and ovens for applications such as annealing and sintering that can require temperatures up to 600 or 700°C.

What is the benefit of an electrical industrial oven over a gas oven?

The primary benefits of an electrical industrial oven over a gas oven are cleanliness and accuracy of temperature control. Electrical heating is very clean because there are no 'products of combustion' contaminating the chamber. Electrical heating achieves very precise temperature control because the power to the heating elements can be controlled very quickly and accurately.

How expensive is an industrial oven to run?

The cost of running an industrial oven is primarily dependent on the operating temperature and size of the chamber. Energy efficient industrial ovens are well insulated and the power consumption can be easily calculated. If the process requires significant air changes, for example to remove potentially explosive solvents, then the running costs will be higher.