
TP 1900

TP 1900

With the TP 1900 (19”), 20 unique heat treatment programs can be stored with a maximum of 25 different segments.

The furnace is operated by automated programming via a touch panel interface with logging of all process and operational data. Generation of a csv file is possible for further analysis and evaluation. Remote maintenance is an available option.

  • Full visualization of the furnace with 19’’ touch panel, mainly for fully configured units or for the use of hydrogen (>5%)
  • Configuration of an automatic program
  • The automatic software is used for more complicated and hydrogen processes
  • The CC-IPC1900 version additionally includes an industrial PC with standard windows software
  • The system is based on an industrial standard Siemens F-PLC ensuring full safety even for hydrogen applications
  • The pre-program ensures a fully automated leakage test which takes place in overpressure and vacuum

TP 1900 Specificații tehnice

Size of Panel 19"
Number of programs 20
Export data .csv
Remote access With Siemens software
Keyboard opțional
Remote maintenance opțional
Online changes da
MFC da
Rotameter nu
Heated gas outlet da
Turbopump da
Hydrogen da
Partial pressure da
Sliding TC da

Supus modificărilor şi erorilor tehnice